Trademark / Brand Name |
Class(es) |
computer media CM |
9 |
computer media CM +circle |
9 |
computer mouse |
16 |
AC ANURANJAN computer |
41 |
ACC antech computer centre |
16 |
ACL academy of computer |
16 |
ACTIVE computer centre |
16 |
ACUMENZ +computer |
41 |
ADTECH computer education |
16 |
AEROSTYLE computer aided |
11 |
AIEIT computer education |
41 |
AIHT computer education |
9, 16 |
AIM computer education +ova |
16 |
ALMA soft & hard computer |
41 |
AMITY +computer & triangle |
9 |
ANGELS computer institute |
41 |
ANUBHAV computer institute |
41 |
APEX computer education |
16 |
APOLLO computer education |
9, 16, 41 |
APPLE BYTES +computer |
9, 41 |
APTECH computer education |
9, 16 |
BAB-BAGE computer clinic |
37 |
BAJWA computer institute |
41 |
BASE +computer |
16 |
BCLC +man & computer |
16 |
BICT computer education |
41 |
BITS computer education |
16 |
BLACK CATT +cat & computer |
16 |
16 |
9 |
BRIGHT computer education |
41 |
C'T computer TECHNOLOGY |
9 |
CA computer associates |
9 |
computer |
41 |
CB computer bazaar +fruit |
9 |
CB computer bazaar +ovals |
9 |
CCIT college of computer |
16 |
CEMEC computer education |
41 |
CESI computer education |
16 |
CHETAN computer graphics |
16 |
CIC central india computer |
16 |
CIIT computer center |
41 |
CLICK FOR BOI +computer boo |
16 |
CMCS +computer |
16 |
COMPUSOFT computer educatio |
41 |
COMPUTER +computer |
3, 23 |
COMPUTER BRAND +computer |
30 |
COMPUTEX +computer |
35 |
CP computer paradise |
41 |
CREATIVE computer training |
41 |
CSC computer education |
16 |
CSC computer sciences corp. |
36 |
CSOFT computer education |
41 |
CT&T computer education |
16 |
CZ computer zone +circle |
9 |
CZ computer zone +circles |
9 |
DATABANK computer education |
16 |
DE digitech computer |
41 |
DEVKISHAN +computer |
41 |
DICT computer education |
41 |
DIPLOMATE computer paper |
16 |
EAGLE computer institute |
16 |
computer |
16 |
EDIT computer art pays |
16 |
EDU BIZZ +men book computer |
41 |
42 |
ENGEE computer classes |
16 |
EXPRESS computer |
16, 42 |
GALAXY computer education |
9 |
GAPS computer education |
41 |
GD GADGET DEN computer stor |
35 |
GDP computer +ovals & wreat |
41 |
GN computer institute +sun |
41 |
GOPI ARTS +bird & computer |
9 |
GOPI ARTS +birds & computer |
16 |
H.K. computer |
41 |
HARIT GYAAN +man & computer |
9, 16 |
HKT OH computer accessories |
9 |
I INFORMATICS computer |
9 |
IALC learning computer |
41 |
ICT +computer |
41 |
IECT computer education |
41 |
IICE computer education |
16 |
ILCC computer education |
41 |
INFOLINK computer education |
41 |
INFORMATICS computer |
9 |
INFORMATICS computer instit |
9 |
INOX computer education |
41 |
INTANGO +computer & phone |
9, 16 |
INTANGO +mobile & computer |
16, 38 |
9 |
ISAC computer society |
16 |
J.C. computer center |
16 |
JOSON computer institute |
16 |
JOTS computer education |
9 |
KALPTARU computer education |
41 |
KAY IMPEX +computer & circl |
9 |
KIT +computer |
16 |
KKI +computer |
16 |
LABH computer |
35 |